Sybil x Tom Victorian AU



Sybil Crawley has just made her debut into the upper echelons of London society, and her days are spent paying calls, changing dresses, and generally adhering to the expectations of her station. Tom Branson is the complete opposite: he is an orphan from an Irish family who toils from dawn to dusk at the docks to support his younger siblings. When Sybil, a quiet rebel, decides to see a different side of London, she encounters Tom at his job. Compelled to make her mark in the world rather than simply do as polite society wishes her to do, Sybil stands alongside with Tom to fight for better lives for the impoverished working class, despite her family’s disapproval; after all, the class divisions are not supposed to cross. Still, that doesn’t prevent Sybil from wanting to support Tom and his family, even while she’s being held hostage in a bustle and corset. In return for her unfailing kindness, Tom gives Sybil something of priceless value: his love. 

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