AH, YAY! I am so so happy to hear that you’ll continue with DA&Z!! I totally understand the struggle to find time and creative juices to write. I can’t wait to read it, and I’m currently reading your other stories! Honestly, I admire how much and how well you’ve written these stories! You’re crafted such great stories with the great Tom and Sybil, and it’s helping me overcome my Sybil pain. (And end of Downton Abbey pain.) Anyways, THANKS FOR THE REPLY! Hope you’re well!! :)

Oh hun


because the show is over, I therefore say we don’t have to “adhere” to show canon if we don’t want to (which in all honestly, I haven’t been doing since most of S3)–but I’m glad you’re enjoying my stories! I love writing about those two so much :oD and I really want to get back “on the horse” and write some more (and hopefully very soon!)

AND THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS OUT THERE! Seriously, I encourage you to just go through the S/T section on FF (or you can check out my list of favorites on my FF account, both stories and authors) and you will NEVER run out of a good fanfic (and they will certainly help you deal with any sad feelings you have connected to the show)

And join us in our battle cry:


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