
Sybil x Tom Secret Santa Exchange 2018

…today’s it!

Sign up before 11:59pm PST to participate!

Writers, artists, and fans of all creative capacities (or lack thereof) are both WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to get involved!

Fill out the form beneath the cut and sign up before the deadline!  HURRY! HURRY! DON’T BE LEFT OUT!

Keep reading

Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a
dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and flee to
Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search
for the child, to destroy him.”  Then Joseph got up, took the child and
his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the
death of Herod.  This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord
through the prophet, “out of Egypt I have called my son.”

“Asylum Seekers” by Carlos A. Rodriguez

This year can’t end soon enough


Hello, lovely followers and friends (and thanks Hugh, my lovely fellow countryman, for the wave).


A quick update – this week, I did something I have never done before in my life – quit my job with nothing else to go to, and no concrete plans.

And I have no regrets.

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YOU ROCK, CASSIE! Good for you, getting out of that hell hole before it got worse. You did the right thing and deserve so much better. So here’s to finding something new and that will appreciate you in 2019! BEST OF LUCK!

Tomorrow (Nov. 27) is it!

So sign-up now if you haven’t had the chance to do so!

Take the following form found below, cut and paste it into my submission folder, fill it out, and then SEND!

On the form, you’ll have the opportunity to request 1 story, 1 piece of fanart, and 2 pic/gif sets.  

Whoever receives your name, be they a writer, an artist, or just a fan who loves the Bransons, will be able to CHOOSE which gift to give you–this way EVERYONE can be involved and make something as well as request something.  

sure to fill out THE WHOLE of your submission form. If you have any
questions about the form, do not hesitate to contact me :o)

SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY 11:59pm PST, Tuesday, Nov. 27


Your Contact Info

  1. Penname or Nickname/URL:
  2. E-mail address:
    (your prompt gets sent here so make sure it’s one you check)

Story Request

  1. Briefly describe what you’d like to receive (should fit in as a oneshot):

  2. Preferred Genre(s):
  3. Preferred Rating(s):
  4. Show era or Modern AU or either?:

  5. A specific you want:
    (example: bromance, children, setting in Ireland or Downton, etc.)

  6. Deal Breakers (what don’t you want?):

Manip/Drawing/Gif/Fanart Request

  1. Briefly describe what you’d like to receive:
  2. Preferred Genre(s):
  3. Preferred Rating(s):
  4. Canon era or Modern AU or either?:
  5. A specific (if possible) you want:
    example—Sybil/Tom with baby OR Sybil/Tom with Mary/Matthew, etc.

  6. Deal Breakers (what don’t you want?):
  7. Would
    you like to have a picture/gif as depicted from a specific fanfic
    story?  And if yes, please name the fic and chapter/scene you desire:

Blogger Request

  1. Describe 2 photo-set posts you’d like to receive:
    (could be an aesthetic of some kind, or a scene from a specific fanfic story, or collection of images of the actors, or scenes from the show, etc.)

  2. IF you are asking for a scene to be “illustrated” from a certain fanfic, please
    include the links to that fanfic in your request.

  3. Preferred Rating(s):  
    (both in
    images and fanfic
    (don’t feel ashamed if you would like have a post
    featuring an “M” rated story!)

  4. Deal Breakers (what don’t you want?):  
    (pictures you
    wouldn’t want to see in a photo set because they might be upsetting, for


YOUR Secret Santa’s Résumé

  1. Ratings you’re comfortable with writing/creating:
  2. Situations, themes, etc. that you’re uncomfortable with:
  3. Do you prefer to writing/creating canon era, modern AU, or both:

  4. Genres you’re most comfortable writing/creating:
  5. Genres you’re least comfortable writing/creating:
  6. Any strengths, character(s) you like writing/drawing/manipping/post images of:
  7. Any weaknesses, character(s) you don’t like:
  8. Any other information you feel important to share:

sure to read ALL of the rules listed below; if have and agree to them,
when you submit your form, type the Irish Christmas greeting:



You will receive your Secret Santa prompt no later than Wednesday, November 28!

If you are writing, please try to limit your story to a one-shot.
If you want to come back at a later time, after Christmas, to post
more, that’s fine, but try to the best of your abilities, to keep it to a
one-shot (as someone who has difficulty doing this, I understand that it’s tough, but do try!)

Secret Santa creations can be posted between Dec. 24 and Jan. 6
(the full 12 Days of Christmas!)

IT! And always, feel free at ANY time to send me your questions, should
any arise.

And most importantly, HAVE FUN! :oD

Ok! Ready to
make the season merry, cheery, holly, jolly, and bright and deck the
halls with the Bransons?  THEN LET’S GET TO IT!  Nollaig Shona!

**pictures by @magfreak