It’s several minutes later and several lengthy kisses later before Sybil has the fortitude to pull apart from him. “I really should go.”

Licking his lips Tom glances out the window. “It’s up to your knees out there.” Rubbing her shoulders he adds, “You’ll freeze before you even get to your car.”

Sybil laughed. She couldn’t really blame him for trying. Since their fifth date they’ve spent practically every night together. “Snow boots.”

Tom sighed but nodded. Pressing a quick kiss to her lips he asked, “How about a drink before you go?”

Sybil raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion as she pulled on her coat.

He rolled his eyes in response, “To keep you feeling warm since the heater in your car is broken.”

“Alright,” she couldn’t help but smile as she remembered the day last week Tom spent an hour on his back fixing her car. She remembered the look of horror he had when he learned she hadn’t had her car checked in over two years and then the look he gave her as he asked if there was anything else he should look at before she admitted her heater was busted.

Taking off her coat she asked, “When’s the part for the heater coming in again?”

“It’s not coming in till the 30th.” Tom grumbled from the kitchen.

Sybil can hear him rumbling through the refrigerator as he asked, “Love can you put some music on?”

Going over to his iPod she scrolled through until she found the Christmas playlist she made the other day. As he walked over with two wineglasses and a bottle of her favorite red wine she shook her head.

“What?” Tom asked as he poured her a rather full glass.

Sybil snorted, “As if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

With a rather large grin that didn’t fit the innocence face he was trying to pull he replied, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“You’re trying to get me drunk so I’ll miss my train in the morning,” she said before taking a sip of her wine.

Tom placed his hand over his chest in a defensive matter and with an over the top voice replied, “Sybil Crawley! Why I would never!” Grinning as she rolled her eyes he then asked in all seriousness, “What time is your train again?”

Licking her lips as she put her glass down she said, “Ten o’clock and I can’t be late because the next train to Downton won’t come until five.”

Tom nodded, turning to better face her he leaned his head against the couch. “So what’s a posh Christmas like?”

“I told you it’s not that posh!”

“It is if you spend it at your family’s ancestral home,” Tom teased.

Leaning her head against the couch she smirked, “Yea well get ready. You’re revolutionary ancestors will be shaking in their graves on Christmas morning when you’re drinking tea with the Earl of Grantham.”

Tom chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t want to drive up with me on the 23rd?”

Sybil sighed. “As tempting as that offer is I promised mum I come early this year.” She was still cursing herself for groaning to her mum about the forced holiday time the hospital was making her take.

Shaking his head Tom moved to pour her some more wine despite the fact that she was only half way done. Amused Sybil teased, “Are you sure you’re not trying to get me drunk?”

Gesturing her hand forward she watched as her drink spattered all over Tom’s shirt.

“Oh god!” Horrified Sybil turned towards the coffee table for a napkin but there’s only the wine bottle and books. “I’m so sorry Tom-” She moves to get up and find him a towel when Tom pulls her back down with a chuckle.

“Its fine love,” Moving his hand to the back of the collar he pulls the shirt off to reveal the very fitted white undershirt he wore underneath.

Sybil couldn’t help but stare. There were small droplets of wine on his undershirt right between his abs were. Licking her lips she moved closer and whispered into his ear, “If you are trying to seduce…” she slide her hands under his shirt and grinned as she heard him gasp. “It’s working Branson.”

Groaning Tom reaches for her, pulling her into his lap as he pressed his lips against hers. His arms wrap around her waist needing her closer as she wraps one arm around his neck and the other in his hair again.

Murmured hurriedly against his lips she groaned out, “I mmm really can’t stay.”

“Baby its cold outside.” Feeling his hands stroke her spine she gasped as a shot of warmth went through her body.

She gasped. “Fine after.”

–from chapter 1 of Baby, It’s Cold Outside by shana-rosee

25 days of Bransons CHRISTMAS fanfic moments
Day 14