Sybil/Tom Fitzsimmons AU ;oP


Ha! Two of my favorite things!!!!

  • They meet at the Academy. Sybil is smarter (but shh that’s because she likes homework more than life itself) and, because of that, Tom’s afraid to go and talk to her even if they’ve been sitting beside each other in class everyday, every hour. Also Sybil is a lady, a REAL lady as in daughter of the
    Earl of Grantham, that’s quite intimidating.
  • Tom’s pretty smart himself, he works/learns differently from Sybil and that – for her – is quite fascinating. But because he avoids her like the plague outside of class, and has never breathed a word, she’s pretty sure he hates her.
  • They are put together in chem lab and when their names are paired together, there’s a lot of eye rolling especially on Sybil’s part (but she’s a master in that art, have you seen her family??) which makes Tom smile and laugh. What do you mean he has the most beautiful smile in the world? Sybil certainly doesn’t think that, that was the wind so from there they become friends.
  • They share lots of interests apart from science: politics, literature and so on. They bond over that and become inseparable. Where one is, the other follows.
  • They get recruited by SHIELD and it was Sybil dragging Tom along, then again he would follow her to the end of the world if she asked him too. He’s also a little bit in love with her, just a little bit though – it will pass (hahaha you thought)
  • Sybil just keeps saving Tom because honestly, he has a talent for doing stupid things and getting himself into danger. She can’t lose one of her best friends so…
  • Maybe she likes him.
  • Maybe when they had that argument and then Tom stopped her, his hand on her waist and their faces this close, she had thought about kissing him. Maybe.
  • Lots of tension.
  • A couple of days later she kisses him. Best decision in her life (Tom won’t disagree)