This year can’t end soon enough


Hello, lovely followers and friends (and thanks Hugh, my lovely fellow countryman, for the wave).


A quick update – this week, I did something I have never done before in my life – quit my job with nothing else to go to, and no concrete plans.

And I have no regrets.

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YOU ROCK, CASSIE! Good for you, getting out of that hell hole before it got worse. You did the right thing and deserve so much better. So here’s to finding something new and that will appreciate you in 2019! BEST OF LUCK!


Father, Son and Holy Spirit

“Tis a wishing well too, they say. What you do is… dip your right hand in the water, saying ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, and then your wish is granted.”

My version of what might have happened after the end of Season 4 of Poldark. Will the wishes of Morwenna and Drake finally come true?


Morwenna’s certain she will feel this way forever.

Her soul tainted, her body numb, shrinking from all human contact.  Haunted by her hellish marriage, her sanity barely intact.

But when Drake catches up to her that day on the cliff top, she stops to listen.  For one simple reason.

She loves him.  To her dying breath.

Even after everything she has suffered, the connection between them endures.

His promise allows her to hope that another kind of life might be possible.  A life shared with a truly good man, a man who loves her for herself and wants only to be with her.

So she agrees to marry him…


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All images not mine – thank you to those who made them.


Excited to report

I’ve got a job! Starting on Monday, working for a not for profit.

Thanks to all my lovely Tumblr friends for your support and encouragement during a pretty tough year so far. Hoping this is a turning point towards better times.

AHHH!!! CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE! I’m so proud of you! WELL DONE! Here’s to nothing but good times and positive feelings of job satisfaction! :oD


Looking down on the eagle’s back

A new Sybil x Tom one-shot, inspired by the Rock the AU theme for January (very late, sorry) – ‘forced to share a bed’.  Happy Easter, fandom!

Sybil and Tom are both members of the university hiking club.  When they take off on a weekend trip to the Lake District in the north west corner of England, sparks fly…


Who organised this whole trip? Who… well, whatever it was, it was me. And then he swans in at the last minute and… bloody Tom Branson…

She’s the one who has come up with the original plan. A day’s hike up Skiddaw before retiring to the cottage near Keswick for a communally prepared dinner, followed by a well-earned early night.

But no, Tom has other ideas! He suggests an easy half day stroll up Catbells, followed by a visit to the aptly named Salutation Inn, where they can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening drinking, eating and having fun before rolling back to the cottage at God knows what time.

She decides to go ahead with her idea on her own, regardless of what the rest of them want to do.

It’s meant to be the hiking club, not the pissing about club!


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How was your first week at your new job?


Hello, my friend!  Thanks so much for your message.


I am enjoying my new job so far – there is a lot to learn but I am already starting to feel at home there.  Good people who have made me welcome, a boss who clearly wants to help me understand what I need to know, and a company that is doing something that matters in the world.  It’s early days but it’s started really well.  I’ve even started writing again, which is a great feeling!

Who is Mr Emerson/Branson?


@smilingpepperonisgirl reblogged your photo and added: “It’s been a while since I wrote anything for Sybil x Tom – but…”

I saw this last night and I love the idea. The big question is – with Tom as George, who is cast as Mr. Emerson?

This is a great question, thanks, and it’s one I have thought about a lot!

As I wrote in this earlier post, coming up with the right way to introduce Tom’s father into this story is one of the trickier parts of this AU, I think.  He’s essential as the catalyst for Lucy realising/admitting her feelings for George in the original A Room with a View story, but of course there’s nothing to go on from Downton Abbey at all in terms of Tom’s father.

So I kept it simple and thought about Irish actors of the right sort of age as a starting point.  It wasn’t easy, but in the end I chose Brendan Gleeson for the role.  

He’s got enough of a look of Allen – similar colouring, anyway – and I could really imagine him as the honest, direct, middle class man who brings Sybil and Tom together in this story.  He also has a really funny side, which I remember from a small indie movie he did a while back – The Guard – which makes him a good fit to be Allen’s dad, too. 🙂

Hope you like my choice!  Let me know if you have any other ideas.