
Even More 25 Days of The Bransons

Day 2: Snowmen

Sybil and Tom looked at their nearly two-year old son in shock, unable to comprehend how he got ice cream on his head and all over his face.

Turning to her husband, Sybil said, “Rocks, paper, scissors to see who gives him a bath.”

Tom chuckled. “I’ll give Rory a bath. You can bathe Sean.” He sighed before he continued. “I’m glad Moira is sleeping over at Lucy’s house. Imagine having to give all three of them baths.”

Sybil chuckled. “We really should have thought twice before we outnumbered ourselves.”

“Too late now,” he replied. Turning to his oldest son, Tom said, “Alright you mucky pup. Time for you to take a bath.”

He then carefully picked Rory up and carried him upstairs.

While Tom took care of Rory, Sybil went to the sitting room to check on Sean. She peered into his bassinet and saw that he was still awake, despite a recent feeding. Best to bathe him while I can, she thought.

She carefully picked up her baby and brought him into the kitchen for his bath, having set up for it before she nursed him. Sybil quickly turned on the faucet and fiddled with the hot and cold water until the temperature was just right. Then she quickly stripped Sean of his clothing and diaper. Not wanting him to catch a cold, Sybil quickly began to bather her son.

As she bathed her youngest, Sybil heard the unmistakable laughter and shrieks of Rory coming down the stairs. Bath time is splash time with that one.

Seven minutes later, Sean was clean. Sybil carefully dried and dressed him, knowing how her youngest disliked being cold. She smiled when she was done with her finished work. Sean looked absolutely adorable in the snowman onesie Edith had purchased for him at John Lewis and an adorable pair of white booties.

Raising him from the table, Sybil spoke to her son. “Let’s go upstairs. Daddy and I were planning on watching a movie. We might consider letting you sit in bed with us.”

She placed a soft kiss to his head and carefully went to the hall to climb the stairs. Reaching her and Tom’s bedroom, she halted in her tracks. Rory was sitting on their bed, dressed in his snowman onesie, Aunt Edith having bought the boys matching onesies. Sybil looked between her sons and laughed.

Tom popped his head out from their ensuite to see what made his wife laugh. On seeing Sean in his snowman onesie, he grinned.

Leaving the bathroom, he looked at his sons and said, “I think Frosty the Snowman is appropriate for tonight. What do you think?”

She grinned. “Absolutely.”

They climbed into bed, Sybil holding Sean while Rory sat on his daddy’s lap, and snuggled up for more snowman fun.

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