
Even 25 More Days of The Bransons

Day 3: Hot Chocolate

Cora walked into the sitting room of her London home, carefully balancing a tray containing two steaming mugs. She smiled on seeing her daughter Sybil holding the family’s newest addition.

Placing the tray on the coffee table, she said, “Here you go, darling. A nice steaming hot mug of hot chocolate.”

Sybil smiled at her mother. “Thank you, mum. You didn’t have to make me anything.”

Cora shook her head. “I wanted to make you something. I know what it’s like to have three young children and I know you’re exhausted. Especially since Sean is only four weeks old.”

“Thank you. Can you hold Sean for a bit so I can drink my hot chocolate? He wants to be cuddled right now and I can’t do both.”

Cora reached out for her youngest grandchild eagerly. “No need to ask. He’s my grandson. I have no problem cuddling him.”

Her daughter handed the baby to her, failing to fight back a grin. Once the baby boy was in her arms, Cora pulled him close. She fawned over him for several minutes as Sybil sipped at her hot chocolate and relaxed.

After ten minutes of silence, Sybil spoke. “Thank you for taking care of me today, mum. I am exhausted. Tom is pulling more than his fair share with Moira and Rory, but they both still want and need me. But Sean needs me more right now. If we do decide on having a fourth child, remind me to space them out more.”

Her mother chuckled. “I know how you feel. It did help that there was a few more years between your and your sisters. However, you were far easier to handle than they were.” She paused before adding, “Don’t tell them I said that.”

“I make no promises.”

Cora just shook her head at Sybil. “At least Tom is involved with the kids. You’re father wasn’t much help until you girls turned ten. Just remember to ask when you need help or a break. You don’t want to be hospitalized for exhaustion.”

Sybil opened her mouth to respond but yawned instead. Blinking her eyes, she said, “I think I need a nap.”

“Go upstairs and take one. I’ll take care of this handsome fellow while you sleep.”

Sybil rose from the couch, taking her hot chocolate with her, and moved towards the stairs. She paused as she passed by her mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks again, mum.”

Cora only smiled and pointed towards the stairs. Her daughter chuckled, but followed the unspoken order.

Once her daughter was out of earshot, Cora turned towards her grandson and softly said, “Here’s tip to getting your mother to listen to you. Butter her up with hot chocolate. She’s always more willing to take advice after she has some.”

Cora kissed Sean on his forehead and cuddled him closer, determined to enjoy the next hour or so with him.

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