
Even More 25 Days of The Bransons

Day 4: Christmas Tree

Moira was impatiently waiting outside of the sitting room. All she could hear from the other side of the closed doors was the muffled mutterings of her father and grampy. Finally, after waiting what felt like an eternity, the door opened and out strolled her grampy.

“Is it up?” she asked.

Robert chuckled at his granddaughter’s behavior. So like Sybil.

“Yes, my little darling. The tree is up.”

“Can we decorate it now?”

“After lunch.” Seeing the little pout on Moira’s face, he added, “I promise.”

Moira grinned at his words.

“Besides,” Robert continued, “Rory needs to help us decorate the tree.”

“Alright,” the little girl groaned.

Robert took her little hand into his and together they walked to the kitchen to eat some lunch.

An hour later, with everyone’s bellies full, it was time to decorate the tree. Robert and Tom deemed Moira still too little to help put the lights on the tree, which displeased the four year old immensely. As her father and grampy dealt with the lights, Moira sat down on the floor next to Rory, watching the duo intensely.

Once they finished, it was time to put the ornaments on the tree. Moira and Rory took turns selecting an ornament and handing it over to their father or grandfather to place on the tree.

“Grampy, put this one closer to the bottom,” ordered Moira as she handed Robert a BB8 ornament.

“Why closer to the bottom?”

“So I can play with it.”

Robert turned to Tom to ask if that was okay. Tom nodded before he could ask the question as Rory handed him a small Snoopy ornament.

“For tree.”

Two hours and several negotiations later, the tree was nearly finished being decorated. The only thing missing was the tree topper, which Tom couldn’t find.

Deciding it was okay to leave for now, Tom flipped the switch, turning on the fairy lights.

“Oooooh,” Rory and Moira gasped.

Moira grasped her younger brother’s hand and dragged him towards the tree. She carefully laid on the ground and motioned for Rory to join her. Together, they looked up at the lit tree, enthralled with all of the beautiful colors.

Sybil entered the room fifteen minutes later and smiled on seeing her two oldest children holding hands and fast asleep under the tree.

“It’s a Christmas miracle,” she softly said, a smile creeping onto her face.

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