Even More 25 Days of the Bransons


Author’s Note: This one is more of a quick drabble than a ficlet. I had a really long day today and this is the best I could come up with. I was also half awake as I wrote this, so forgive any insanity.

Day 5: Mistletoe

Sybil walked down the stairs, carefully holding her one month old son. As she reached the landing, she noticed her husband standing in the entryway of the dining room, his lovable half-grin on his face.

“What are you up to, Tom?”

He faked being offended. “Me? I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

She approached him and gave him a look.

“You’re up to something.”


Grinning again, Tom pulled a bit of mistletoe from behind his back and held it over his wife’s head.

“All I want is a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Grinning, Sybil rose up on her feet slightly to reach Tom as he bent down to her. They kissed passionately for a minute or so before Sean made a fuss about being squeezed.

Chuckling, Tom said, “All right. I’ll give you a kiss too.” Then he leaned down and kiss his son on the forehead.

“Merry Christmas, Sean,” he whispered to his newest child.