“The Lady Grantham was delivered of a child on the evening of Sunday, November 8, 1914 at six o’clock and twenty-five minutes.”


Chapter 55!

Wherein we begin to bridge the jump between series 1 and series 2 via letters.

1) Mr. James Keely to Sir John Wilkes

2) Dr. Augusta Wentworth to Lady Sybil Crawley

3) Mr. Tom Branson to Mrs. Claire Branson

4) Lady Sybil Crawley to Miss Imogen Wilkes

5) Telegram from Lord Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham to Mr. George Murray, in which the above news is shared. 

Some notes with spoilers for the chapter below …

Keep reading

“I want to marry Sybil.”



Chapter 54 is up! 

In which Cora is still pregnant at the garden party! Thomas defies O’Brien and starts making plans! Matthew confides in Mary about what really brought him to Downton and gives her something in gratitude! Tom finally tells Robert how he feels about Sybil! The United Kingdom declares war on Germany!

Read it: 

Some notes with spoilers for the chapter if you read more below, but first a plea: Please tell me if you are still reading this story. Whether that’s in a review, a personal message, by commenting on this post, reblogging and adding a comment–however you want to do it, I need to know there are people on the other end here. Writing this story takes a lot of time and energy for me. I got a whole lot of other things going on that I could be spending both on. This show went off the air years ago, but this story is still important to me, so I don’t want to abandon it. That said, it’s a lot harder when I put almost 13,000 out into the universe (like for this chapter) and have just one or two people respond. Stats tell me that more than a handful of people are reading this story—hundreds actually—but I have no sense of that based on reviews/comments. I assume that many of those who have favorited and followed this story in the past have moved on. That’s fine, but for those of you who are still with me, please let me know that you are. I’m not trying to fish for compliments, but if you want me to continue and finish this story eventually, I need to know. Eventually, if the numbers keep going down, I’ll have zero reviews to show for a chapter. At that point, I’d only be writing for myself, and I don’t need to post online to do that.  Thank you! Thank you!

OK, then, here’s some “DVD commentary” on what went on … 

Keep reading


Guess who’s back! Back again! Magfreak’s back! Tell a friend!

Ahem. So, yes, I have an update, and I didn’t even wait six months this time. I know. I can’t believe it either. 

Anyhoo, here’s Chapter 53 on FF.net and AO3. In it, Matthew and Mary are totally in love and totally determined not to get married, Matthew considers a potential solution to the baby problem, and Tom and Sybil are soooo ready to have sex. Happy reading!

“…and Tom and Sybil are soooo ready to have sex.”



This was inspired by your story Will You Wait? I
have no clue what you have in store for us with that story, but this came to me
when I saw your prompt. It’s not my best work, but considering I’m getting out of a months long writing rut, it could be worse.

Tom rolled back and forth in his wheelchair as he
waited at the end of the altar. He paused to fiddle with his tie. Then, he went
back to rolling back and forth. Tom paused again when he heard chuckling from
behind him.

“Calm down, Tommy, his oldest brother Kieran said.
“It’s not like you aren’t married to Sybil already. This ceremony is for mam.”

Tom gave his brother a nervous smile. “I know, but
the ceremony is being conducted by Frankie, our cousin. And everyone’s here.”

Kieran nodded in understanding. The two brothers
continued talking, every so often being interrupted by their siblings, nieces
and nephews.

Tom was rolling back and forth again when his
cousin Frankie, or Father Francis Mahon, approached.

“We’ll be getting started soon,” he told his

Ten minutes later, Cora, Mary and Edith took their
places, signaling that the ceremony was about to begin.

Shortly thereafter, the processional began. Kieran
leaned in and whispered to Tom, “Sybil looks stunning. I have no idea what she
sees in you little brother.”

Sybil finally reached the end of the aisle. Tom
looked at her felt the world still. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

“You look beautiful, love.”

“And you look handsome, my darling.”

They clasped hands and the ceremony began.

Hours later, after the Catholic ceremony and the
laughter and dance filled wedding breakfast, Sybil and Tom headed towards their
new room on the other end of the house. When they arrived outside, Tom stopped
moving. His wife stopped walking and turned to look at him.

“Are you well, darling?”

He gave her a small, reassuring smile. Then he
gently tugged her into his lap.

“Tom!” Sybil laughed out.

He grinned at her. “I can’t carry you over the
threshold in my condition, but I promise you one day I will. It will be the
threshold of our own house, one we worked hard for. I don’t know when that will
happen, but I promise you it will, love.”

Sybil blinked back the tears in her eyes, moved by
her husband’s words. She leaned in and kissed him passionately.

Once they came up for air, Tom gave Sybil his
signature half grin.

“Hold on, love!”

And with that he wheeled them over the threshold.

Ok, I hadn’t thought of this…but I may seriously have to use it. MY HEART!


“CALENDAR GIRL” by The Yankee Countess

Chapter Three:Secrets and Lies

“What’s that?” the scribe asked with casual curiosity, glancing at the object in the medic’s hands and frowning. “Photograph?”

medic silently nodded his head as he carefully wiped away the blood
from the picture. It wasn’t as badly soiled as the soldier’s letter, but
it was hard to make out the details of the photo.


“It’s a girl, from what I can tell…” the medic answered.

The scribe leaned a bit closer. “Wife? Sweetheart?”

“Most likely…” the medic murmured. “Although whoever she was could afford to get a color shot…”

photographs they found on soldiers were in black and white. It was rare
(and expensive) should they happen upon one in color.

“Whoever she is…she’s quite the beauty.” And she looked oddly familiar…

The scribe noticed the medic’s frown. “What is it?”

medic’s frown only deepened, but that was more out of annoyance towards
the scribe. “Just…she looks familiar, that’s all. Like I’ve seen her
somewhere before…”

Begin the story here

Cover by anyasmitty


I did it, y’all! I finally friggin’ did it! I finished an update!

It hasn’t been a year, but it was awfully close. I hope that the long absence hasn’t led any of you to give up on the story. I obviously can’t predict what life is going to throw at me, but I don’t plan to let so much time go between updates again. In the reposting I did of the last dozen or so chapters, I realized that I never actually posted anything on tumblr on the last chapter I wrote before the most recent one, so both links are below.

Thank you, as always, for your patience. There is still a lot of story to tell, so I hope you all continue to stay on this ride with me!

If Things Were Different, Chapter 51: (FF.net) (AO3)
If Things Were Different, Chapter 52: (FF.net) (AO3)