
It’s the 11th hour and I’ve
got Zero Chill left. It’s time for the facts and the cold hard truth.

If you think your vote doesn’t matter in the
grand scheme of things, you’re wrong
: Obama won NC by 2 votes per precinct.
Al Gore lost the entirety of Florida by a mere 573 votes, and therefore lost
the election to George W. Bush. Etc and so on.

If you’ve never voted before, let now be
the first time
: history is littered with the bodies of women and people of
color who have quite literally fought and died for this right.

If you believe you don’t like either
candidate and therefore will vote for a 3rd party, you are literally
throwing away your vote.
A 3rd party candidate will not win this
election. I’m sorry that the system is unfair, but sadly, that is the way it
is. This is not the time for a symbolic protest vote. Only one of two people is winning this election: any vote that does NOT go
towards one just gives the other a leg up.

Here’s a quote from Twitter
that I’m shamelessly stealing for its spot-on truth: “A third party
vote is a gamble with the rights & safety of people who have the most to
lose. IMHO, that is *not* a noble use of conscience.”

How will your conscience feel when we’re all living with a
fascist sociopath running our country?

We’re facing the possibility of a future run by a man who
feeds on racism, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia, who laughs about
sexual assault and rape, who uses threats and violence and rampant lies as

A man who is supported by the Klu Klux Klan (the oldest of
America’s hate groups, who want to “purify” our society of black people, queer
people Jewish people, immigrants, etc.), Neo-Nazis (those who adore Adolph
Hitler, his ideals, and deny the mass genocide that he committed), and Russia (a
government that hides its dictatorship behind the façade of “federation”).

A man who wants to build a wall around Mexico (because he
believes they’re all rapists), who wants to enforce “special” IDs and extra
watch on certain regions/religions/people of color, which will lead to internment
camps i.e. WWII, who wants to repeal Roe v. Wade (a woman’s right to her own
body), whose supporters want to take away women’s right to vote, whose VP fully
endorses Conversion Therapy (using anything, including electroshock therapy to “make”
queer people straight), jailed a woman for having a miscarriage, and wants
women to pay for funerals of their aborted fetuses, who wants to defund Planned
Parenthood (the biggest health care provider women have in our country and the only support low-income women and families have) because they’re so scared of
abortion though PP mainly provides birth control, STD, cancer screenings, whose
supporters are purposely trying to lose black/brown voter registration and
discourage everyone they can with the use of guns and intimidation at the polls, who believes that people with PTSD (and I’m sure any mental health issue) just “aren’t strong,” who actively supports violence and harassment of those who disagree with him, who wants
to put guns in the hands of everyone possible, etc. etc. etc.

A man who asked why we can’t use nuclear weapons three times within the first hour of his first security briefing.

A man who needs his Twitter taken away by the “Adults” on
his campaign cannot have nuclear launch codes.

A man whose only platform is the reliance on fear, hatred,
scapegoating, ignorance, and your willingness to stay ignorant.

Another lifted Twitter quote: “I understand feeling disillusioned by this election,
but how you vote is quite literally life or death for some people. That’s not

Poor = your fault. Women = worthless, just an object. Not
Christian = terrorist. Queer = unnatural, need to be “fixed.” Black/Brown = DANGER,
thugs & rapists, shoot on sight.

GERMANY THEMSELVES and survivors of the Holocaust have
trying to point out how much he sounds like Hitler. HITLER.

People have been wondering for decades: if they lived in the
reign of Hitler, would they have been strong enough to see it? Would they have
been strong enough to stand up against him? Would they have the courage to take
action to stop him? This is no longer a What If? Scenario; it’s happening all
over again. You have a chance to find out.

More Twitter lifting: “Privilege is not an accusation. It is not a point of
pride, nor a point of shame. Privilege or lack thereof is simply a context.
So if someone accuses you of “privilege,” they’re not accusing you of
being who you are. They’re telling you that you’re missing a context.”

Do not miss the context of how important this vote is. If
you think this will not affect you, then you have the privilege of
missing the context. Not just your right to vote, not just how each voice
matters, but how important this terrifying election is. How many
millions of people, not just in the USA, but around the entire world, a wrong
outcome would affect.

you don’t like my opinions, you have every right to unfollow. But remember,
these aren’t opinions. Not really. They’re facts. This is LIFE. And if your “opinion
comes at the sacrifice of someone else’s fundamental human rights, then it’s
not an “opinion”: it’s a prejudice and discrimination; it is not something
anyone is entitled to.

Twitter lifting: “They’ve chosen their priorities. Racism & sexism literally
Trumps all else.”

is no longer a matter of politics
. This is not Republican vs. Democrat. This is
not a single-issue vote.

Obama believes HRC is the single most qualified person in the country for this job.

HRC have her own issues? Of course she does, a variety of them; she’s a human being and a career
. There will always be things you do not like or that you disagree
on; but then you work to make your voice heard afterwards, you don’t throw away
your vote due to apathy

Don’t be complacent. It’s why I’m writing this: because I’m terrified and I feel like I need to do something, anything.

Remember, in the words of FLOTUS: “This is not normal. It is disgraceful. It is
She was speaking particularly about his belief that he has
the power to do whatever he wants to a woman and that ‘all men talk like that.’
But it goes for everything else across the board.

shit is not normal. This shit is not ok. He is validating all the very worst aspects
of humanity and our society, but it is all still horribly wrong.

hypocrisy is not a platform
; it is still just hypocrisy. Supporting
his views is not “politics;” it’s supporting racism and misogyny and homophobia
and xenophobia and everything else in between.

it. Make your voice and your vote heard. It’s the only way we can begin to
affect the changes we all desperately want to see.

let the very worst of us win.


Make this a reality.



Watch: Regular women and celebrities, many of whom have survived sexual assault or harassment, are banding together to tell Trump “It’s not okay”

In the cases of all the women who spoke out in the video, there was no justice. Their assaulters and harassers walked free because either nobody believed them or there was nothing they could do. The Trump tape was one of many final straws. "We’re not gonna take it any more,“ Amber Tamblyn said. “Like, for real, we’re not.”

Gifs: Humanity for Hillary





Just as ‘08 and ‘12 Obama “evolved” on marriage equality, Hillary has recently been “evolving” on issues like TPP, student loans, & BlackLivesMatter.  Not all there yet, but a start. 

Trump wants trickle down economics, a reinstatement of stop and frisk, and conservative SCOTUS nominations to reverse our progress. He will not “evolve” for us no matter how much we lobby. 

I know we all want and deserve more progress. Many young voters want to sit out unless a candidate has it all. Voter silence is a mistake that will hurt us. Staying home won’t “revolutionize the system.” The system is used to youth voter apathy. They ignore us because we won’t pressure them. 

We have to use our voices, vote for the person most likely to listen, & shout & lobby till we achieve our goals. Please. It works. Apathy doesn’t.

#Hillary2016 to protect our progress from Trump. #Hillary2016 so the person we lobby for the next 4 years might actually listen. It does seem like she’s starting to, or we wouldn’t have seen this:

The difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is that she can be persuaded with facts.  Another difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is that she can admit when she is wrong. 

I know this is not something I usually post on this blog. But I do got quite some followers and chances are that some of you are American. So I just wanted to remind you to go vote.

Go vote!
And vote for Hillary. She’s the only one who can keep Trump out!

Republicans are now saying that if Hillary wins the election, they will BLOCK her supreme court justice appointees, and pretty much ANY policy she brings forward FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS

This is why this is election is more than just voting for president.

We need to vote ACROSS THE BOARD for Democrats–in the House, the Senate, at state and local levels

If we get 5 Democrats in the Senate, we’ll have a majority, we can overturn and fight the Republicans attempts to overthrow and stop all chances for progressive change

So don’t just get out and vote for Hillary to stop Trump. Get out and vote to stop the Republicans, period.








if you’re in america and you’re eligible to vote…… i’m begging you to vote for hillary like literally begging

I wouldn’t vote for either of them. They’re both keeping secrets and will both turn this country to absolute shit.

anyway vote for hillary instead of throwing your vote away

This is what gets me. The fact that for 90 minutes Hillary clearly showed how prepared she is to be president. How capable, knowledgeable, and cool-headed she is. She put forth actually solutions to problems that are inclusive and hopeful.

Donald Trump stood there for 90 minutes and yelled belligerently into his microphone. Twenty minutes into the debate his sentences were incoherent and, as he is so skilled at doing, he managed to never actually answer the questions thrown his way, unless he was called out on it and given even more time to actually respond with something relevant to the topic at hand.

And yet here we are. The debate is over, Hillary has clearly won and shown the American people want an actual President should look like, and people still aren’t convinced. Hillary has been at this job for THIRTY YEARS. And yet, she still suffers from this ‘likability’ thing thanks to the GOP propaganda that has been smearing her name since the beginning of her career.

“But she’s a liar!” “She’s hiding something!” “She’s keeping secrets!”

Bullshit. Hillary Clinton is a high-ranking government official. Of fucking course she’s keeping secrets, that’s her damn job. If we knew ever last thing that ever went down in the State Department, we’d all shit ourselves. Those are just your own shitty excuses for not voting for her because she wasn’t your first option in the primaries. What, exactly, do people think will happen if Hillary becomes President? What would be the terrible awful outcome of that? I have never actually heard, specifically, what she would do that would ruin our country beyond repair. We all know what Trump would do. It’s his fucking platform, he’s not trying to hide anything there. But no one can actually lay out specifics on what makes Hillary so scary, other than the fact that she’s overly qualified for the job she’s being interviewed for.

If you really feel so strongly about it, fine. Vote third party. But please, do yourself a favor. Actually fucking look at what Hillary and Trump are proposing for this nation. Really try to understand what exactly will happen if one of them gets elected. And then truly think about whether or not you could stomach looking the next generation in the eye if your third party vote gets Donald Trump elected President of the United States.

“This election draws into relief how women are penalized for not being perfect while men are rewarded for not being terrible.”

Yep. This email thing is a witch hunt. How much questionable but not entirely awful shit would we find if we got unfettered access to ginormous dumps of *Comey’s* fucking emails?

SCAM: You cannot vote by text





Republicans have a new scam going.  They have created
memes, messages, etc. encouraging Hillary Clinton supporters to vote early
by text.  Avoid long lines it says..well this is a SCAM.  You cannot
vote by text.  Republicans are just trying to disenfranchise voters.  And oh look, they are targeting African American voters.  Republicans never stop trying to prevent black people from voting.

Please don’t vote by text



And Trump has the audacity to claim that the system is rigged against him, when its always been rigged against youth, women, people of color, and basically ANYONE who would vote against the Republican Party