“I’ll Always Love You (in my way)”
by The Yankee Countess

Modern AU: Sybil’s estranged family are coming to London for Christmas,
and both she and Tom are doing everything they can to try and make it
“perfect”; a feat which proves difficult when the oven breaks in the
middle of cooking Christmas dinner. Based on the film “Pieces of April”,
and my gift to @gothamgirl28 for the Sybil x Tom Secret Santa 2017

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A bride, a writer, a chef, a waiter, a hotel concierge, a press
secretary, a housekeeper, a teacher, a historian, a tv producer, a
doctor, a sous-chef, a driver, a CEO, a manager, a best man, a footman, a
pop star, two work colleagues, and the Prime Minister. This Christmas,
love is actually closer than they realize.

my magnum-opus of holiday-themed fanfic:

Love (and Downton) Actually by Yankee Countess (that’s me!)

Happy Holidays & Happy Reading :o)

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Pillow Talk Chapter 7



“What about Jasmine?” Sybil asked, lying next to her husband in bed.

Well, strictly speaking, she wasn’t in bed. It was far too warm, so she was lying on top of the duvet, her husband next to her, also above the covers.

“No way,” Tom said, shaking his head. “I got bullied by a girl called Jasmine in primary school.”

“You got bullied by a girl?” Sybil asked with a small laugh.

She had known her husband for years, and in all the time she had known him, he had been a headstrong individual who could stand up for himself, no matter who it was against. The idea of him being bullied in any capacity, at any age, by anyone surprised Sybil.

“I was little, okay!” Tom defended. “I haven’t always been the ruggedly handsome, politically minded Irishman that you know!”

Sybil laughed gently.

“Okay, what about Emily?”

“I had a great aunt Emily and none of us liked her,” Tom said.

The couple were trying to decide on baby names. Sybil was five months pregnant with their first child – a daughter – and they were having one of their many discussions about what to call her. They had yet to find a name that they both loved.

Read Chapter 7 here.
Read from the beginning here.


“CALENDAR GIRL” by The Yankee Countess

Chapter Three:Secrets and Lies

“What’s that?” the scribe asked with casual curiosity, glancing at the object in the medic’s hands and frowning. “Photograph?”

medic silently nodded his head as he carefully wiped away the blood
from the picture. It wasn’t as badly soiled as the soldier’s letter, but
it was hard to make out the details of the photo.


“It’s a girl, from what I can tell…” the medic answered.

The scribe leaned a bit closer. “Wife? Sweetheart?”

“Most likely…” the medic murmured. “Although whoever she was could afford to get a color shot…”

photographs they found on soldiers were in black and white. It was rare
(and expensive) should they happen upon one in color.

“Whoever she is…she’s quite the beauty.” And she looked oddly familiar…

The scribe noticed the medic’s frown. “What is it?”

medic’s frown only deepened, but that was more out of annoyance towards
the scribe. “Just…she looks familiar, that’s all. Like I’ve seen her
somewhere before…”

Begin the story here

Cover by anyasmitty

So inspired by the Memorial Day holiday, I’m currently working on an update for my WW2 AU story, Calendar Girl! I’m not going to get this update finished tonight, but because I know it’s been AGES since I last posted anything for this fic, I thought at the very least, I’d post a “previously on…”, just to remind anyone out there who still remembers (or cares) :oP about this story, what all has happened so far.  So without further ado,


Christmas 1942; Tom Branson is a part of the British 8th Army, who are fighting Axis forces in North Africa. Among Tom’s friends are Alfred, Jimmy, and William, who has a sweetheart named Daisy back in Yorkshire, who works at a large manor house called Downton Abbey.  For Christmas, the troops receive a calendar of alluring and provocative “English Roses” as a means to “boost morale”.  Jimmy teases Tom about the calendar, in an effort to get Tom out of his “mopey state” after receiving a letter from his family that his former sweetheart has left him for his childhood bully.  Jimmy turns to Tom’s birth month, and thrusts the image of “Miss May” at him…and Tom is instantly transfixed…

Little does Tom or the rest of his friends know that Miss May is in fact an aristocrat by the name of Lady Sybil Crawley.  However, Sybil is doing practically everything she can to leave that life behind.  Sybil serves as a nurse in London, and lives with Gwen Dawson, one of Downton’s former housemaids.  Also “living” with Sybil and Gwen is Gwen’s American beau (and fighter pilot) Paul.  It’s through Paul that Sybil meets some of his fellow yanks, and would no doubt shock her family if they knew how “liberated” she’s become in her life.  But Sybil can’t deny there’s a yearning she feels, wanting what Gwen and Paul have together.

In March of 1943, Sybil’s eldest sister Mary invades her London home, revealing that she’s learned about Sybil’s appearance in the “risque” calendar. Apparently Matthew, Sybil and Mary’s cousin who is also fighting in the war, found out about the calendar and told Mary, prompting Sybil to tease her sister into just admitting once and for all that she and Matthew have feelings for one another.  Instead, Mary warns Sybil not to keep the calendar a secret from their father, as it’s only a matter of time before he finds out.  Sybil hates the thought of having to tell her family, because she knows they will try to shame her for what she’s done, even though she herself doesn’t feel ashamed for her choice to have the photograph taken.  But she also knows that Mary has a point, and it’s better she face the music and be up front about the calendar, before her parents learn from an outside source.  So Sybil must make plans to journey north to Yorkshire…to her family’s ancestral home, Downton Abbey.

Meanwhile, the British 8th Army have driven Rommel and his forces to the Tunisian border.  As Tom and his friends prepare to go into battle, it is revealed that Tom has been carrying “Miss May’s” picture in his pocket, gazing at her as a man would gaze at the photograph of a sweetheart.  Before he rushes into battle, Tom prays that at the very least, before he dies, he wishes to know her name.  Then the command is given, and the British 8th go forth…

And *THAT* is where our story picks up…!

Branson came to Downton Abbey at the age of 11 to serve as a hall boy,
and quickly befriended young Lady Sybil. Years later, he returns, this
time as a journalist sent to write a story. He doubts anyone will
remember him…but someone does; in fact, she’s never forgotten him…


His gaze was quickly drawn away from the women and his voice died in
his throat as he looked up and noticed another, standing in a nearby
doorway, her uniform from earlier gone and in its place, a sleeveless
gown of gold and black that beautifully flowed down her body, enunciating her curves and reminding him again, that she was no longer a
girl of fifteen.

“I beg your pardon, Mr. Branson, but…my parents
were wondering if you would do us the honor of joining us for dinner
this evening?”

Start from the beginning here

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Branson came to Downton Abbey at the age of 11 to serve as a hall boy,
and quickly befriended young Lady Sybil. Years later, he returns, this
time as a journalist sent to write a story. He doubts anyone will
remember him…but someone does; in fact, she’s never forgotten him…


“So you’re a journalist,” she finally said, her hands folded atop her
lap in that prim manner he remembered she sometimes mimicked.

Tom nodded his head. It was more an observation than a question.

“For how long?” she persisted, the harshness in her voice melting slightly, revealing a sense of urgency.

“Six years,” he answered, watching her as she did the math in her head.

“Six years,” she repeated, more to herself. “So…you’ve been doing this since you left.”

Start from the beginning here

**images not mine

PLEASE CAN YOU WRITE CANON or possibly can you liar your top 10 canon fanfics?? Xxxx-A

If you mean “canon” in terms of “canon-era” (i.e. when the show is set) then yes, absolutely–in fact I have written quite a few stories in that era :o) A majority of what I have written is set during the era when the show is set.

However, if you mean “canon” in terms of what happened on the show post 3×05…the honest answer is no, Anon.  Or rather, I prefer not to.

Readers and writers all have their personal preferences, and for me, I prefer not to follow show canon post 3×05. Nothing wrong with that, as there’s nothing wrong with wanting to read or write stories that do.  So I’m sorry to disappoint, Anon, if this is what you were asking about.  As for 10 canon stories, again, I’d like to know what you specifically mean by “canon”.

However, if you are asking about canon stories that follow show canon, at least to a point, there is one that I would recommend: Always with You by @patanoo

Now if you’re asking after “canon-era” stories, please let me know and I’d gladly offer you a list! :o)