Branson came to Downton Abbey at the age of 11 to serve as a hall boy,
and quickly befriended young Lady Sybil. Years later, he returns, this
time as a journalist sent to write a story. He doubts anyone will
remember him…but someone does; in fact, she’s never forgotten him…


His gaze was quickly drawn away from the women and his voice died in
his throat as he looked up and noticed another, standing in a nearby
doorway, her uniform from earlier gone and in its place, a sleeveless
gown of gold and black that beautifully flowed down her body, enunciating her curves and reminding him again, that she was no longer a
girl of fifteen.

“I beg your pardon, Mr. Branson, but…my parents
were wondering if you would do us the honor of joining us for dinner
this evening?”

Start from the beginning here

**images not mine

Branson came to Downton Abbey at the age of 11 to serve as a hall boy,
and quickly befriended young Lady Sybil. Years later, he returns, this
time as a journalist sent to write a story. He doubts anyone will
remember him…but someone does; in fact, she’s never forgotten him…


“So you’re a journalist,” she finally said, her hands folded atop her
lap in that prim manner he remembered she sometimes mimicked.

Tom nodded his head. It was more an observation than a question.

“For how long?” she persisted, the harshness in her voice melting slightly, revealing a sense of urgency.

“Six years,” he answered, watching her as she did the math in her head.

“Six years,” she repeated, more to herself. “So…you’ve been doing this since you left.”

Start from the beginning here

**images not mine

Happy New Year/Epiphany/Christmas ALL THE TIME @magfreak!!!

Here, at long last, is at the very least, the first chapter ;oP to your belated Secret Santa fic!

FORGET-ME-NOT by The Yankee Countess

Tom Branson came to Downton Abbey at the age of 11 to serve as a hall boy, and quickly befriended young Lady Sybil. Years later, he returns, this time as a journalist sent to write a story. He doubts anyone will remember him…but someone does; in fact, she’s never forgotten him…

**images not mine


Forgive me

This story was written as part of the Sybil x Tom fandom Secret Santa fic exchange, convened by @yankeecountess (thank you for organising it!), for the lovely @mimijag.  Hope you enjoy it and wishing you all the best for the New Year!

This is a missing scene fic, set between episodes 2.03 and 2.04.


Sybil stepped through the front door and into the glimmering twilight outside. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the freshness of the world beyond Downton Abbey.

She walked away from the house, taking a well-worn path for her towards an area of woodland nearby. A place which had become her quiet refuge over the years, particularly since the War – somewhere to reflect on the day that had passed, to regather her strength for what was to come. Somewhere to be alone.

Except tonight, it seemed she wasn’t alone.

As she walked more deeply into the woods, she could hear singing…


Read More



A Secret Santa fanfic for Mosteyn

Featuring Sybil, Saoirse and Michael Branson …

George and Mary Margaret Crawley …

And Marigold and Peter Pelham …

…  getting up to the things that you’d expect the children of the Crawley sisters to get up to.

It was cold outside so other than the long embrace shared between Cora and Sybil, greetings quickly moved to the entrance hall, where there was a flurry of of them among the adults for several minutes before Mary, Matthew, Edith, Bertie all finally stood back with their combined collection of children for the footmen to take the Bransons’ hats and coats. Once done, Robert and Cora stepped forward again, the latter unable to hold back her tears as she looked at Sybbie, who couldn’t help but blush at the attention.

“Oh, my darling, you look so beautiful,” Cora said. “You seem barely younger than your mother when she first left us to become a nurse.”

“Mama, don’t exaggerate,” Sybil said. “It’s not even been ten years.”

“You look like a proper young lady, in any case,” Cora said, looking back at Sybbie.

“Thank you, grandmother Cora,” Sybbie said quietly.

“We call her granny,” a small but determined voice piped up behind Cora. “You should call her that too, since she’s your granny too, isn’t she?”

Mary put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders, like a gentle reminder not to speak out of turn, and Maisy’s shoulders sank as if this reminder was one she was subject to on a regular basis.

But before Mary could speak up to apologize for her daughter, Saoirse did. “Da’s mam is our granny. We call grandmother Cora grandmother Cora because … ” Saoirse trailed off and looked up at her mother. “Why do we call her that?”

“Because that’s who she is, silly,” Sybil answered.

“You may call me whatever you like,” Cora said with a smile, now greeting her second Branson granddaughter for the first time. “You must be Soairse.”

Saoirse smiled, proud of herself and pleased that her name had not been mispronounced.

“Surely, you remember what you called me,” Robert said, stepping behind Cora to greet Sybbie, who despite all the nerves she felt at being immersed in memories she barely recognized, felt warm inside at the sound of his voice. She smiled. “Hello, Donk.”

Before she even realized she was doing it, Sybbie stepped toward her grandfather and wrapped her arms around his midsection, closing her eyes at the familiarity of the smell of his suit, the roughness of the tweed on her cheek. Michael and Saoirse exchanged a quick glance and a shrug and—always inclined to do as their sister did—immediately followed suit.

“Hi, Donk!” they sang, throwing their arms around the grandfather they had never met, something about the silly name having rendered moot their initial impression of him as a stuffy old man.

Cora smiled at the sight, pleased, while Tom and Sybil looked at one another and laughed in surprise. Robert was downright bewildered. (But also pleased.) Sybbie opened her eyes and was about to look up to Robert’s face when her eyes caught sight of someone else, stepping forward.


It had been many years since anyone had called Barrow by that name, and he had no time to form words in response when the trio of Branson children who had pinned Robert in their embrace ran over to do the same to him. The now longtime butler was as bewildered as his employer, though—given his relentless stoicism—much less obviously so.

“Why are they doing that to Barrow?” Maisy asked loudly and in a concerned pitch.

Tom stepped up quickly, pulling the children back toward himself. “They are rather free with their affection. Sorry about that, Thomas.”

“It’s Barrow now, sir,” Thomas said in the humorless tone that Tom remembered well.

“Of course,” Sybil said in an easy tone. “What a wonderful promotion for you. It’s so very nice to see you.”

“Thank you, Lady Sybil,” Thomas replied.

“Don’t you like to give hugs, Miss Maisy,” Sybil said turning to her niece.

The latter gave her head a skeptical shake, which made the adults around her giggle.

“I’m afraid she has her mother’s affectionate nature,” Matthew said.

Sybil laughed heartily while Mary rolled her eyes and said, “I’m as affectionate as the next English person, which is as affectionate as any person needs to be, thank you very much.”

Sybil took Sybbie’s hand and stood her in front of her cousin George. “I don’t suppose either of you remember, but you were quite close when you were young.”

George and Sybbie eyed each other rather warily, as if disinclined to believe that had ever been the case. George looked up at his father, as if asking for permission to move away.

Matthew said, “Go on, son, say hello to your cousin.”

“Hello,” he said quietly.

“Hi,” Sybbie responded.

“Do you remember Marigold?” Edith asked, pushing her own daughter, who’d been holding her younger brother’s hand, to join the tête-à-tête.

Sybbie stepped back once again and shook her head.

“Hi,” Marigold said quietly, with a nervous smile.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll all be thick as thieves again in no time,” Cora said.

Read full fic here.


Oh, Oh, Oh! This is it @yankeecountess ! I’m your Secret Santa! I can’t hide anymore! I finally choose your second prompt as it was the first one that came to haunt me one night. I hope you’ll like it because I’m a little bit rusty regarding my writing. It was a lot of fun and I don’t regret taking part of this Christmas exchange. A BIG thank you to @skinnycat77  for the beta. you rocks! Merry Christmas My dear Sharon and thank you again for my christmas gift. Who knows? It may inspired me for a later story 😉 And belated Merry Christmas to the whole fandom! Love you guys! x

PS : and I’m sorry that still don’t want to take my text as written aka with the italics and separations between the parts…

A cab named desire

Sybil stormed out of the Regency Hotel,
fuming and her right hand still tingling from the slap she just gave to her boyfriend
Larry Grey’s cheek. Or should she say, her ex-boyfriend, Larry Grey.

She was so done with him.

She endured him these past few months,
always hoping it would get better but what started as a nice romance (even if
they were more or less pushed into each other’s arms by their respective
families) had soon morphed into a nightmare. Not only was Larry Grey a jealous
and possessive man, but he also was a misogynist and a womanizer, all this
topped with an arrogant and egocentric personality. He was so far from what she
liked in a man that she was still wondering how she ever saw something in him in
the first place and stayed in this relationship for almost two years.

As her high heels were clicking on the snowy
asphalt, her body shivering in the cold winter night, she knew she hadn’t heard
the last of it. Her parents and family would probably try to change her mind
about ending things with him. But she was so done playing the useless bimbo at
his arm. Tonight was the straw that broke the camel’s back and she decided it
was time for her to take her life back. Larry had shut her down for the last
time. And to hell with the fancy gala she was supposed to attend. She was sure
nobody would miss her after the show she just gave them anyway.

(To read more…)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I’m so excited to see what you did with this prompt! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! *Mmmmmmmmmmmmwah!* :oP