
For @scarletcourt as part of the Sybil/Tom non-writer secret santa exchange. Part 2 of 2.

Any two chapters of my fic, The Journey to Happiness except Chapter 2

Sybil returned his smile. “Ready as I will ever be.”

“I parked the car outside the gate so that no one could hear us starting it, so we’ll have to walk there,” said Tom, reaching for her suitcase and stepping off the porch.

“I don’t mind,” said Sybil. “I’d rather leave quietly.”

The Journey to Happiness (prologue)


For @scarletcourt as part of the Sybil/Tom non-writer secret santa exchange. Part 1 of 2.

Any two chapters of my fic, The Journey to Happiness except Chapter 2

laid her tea beside his and sat in his lap as he instructed. She had
missed the physical closeness, too, but was too shy to ask or make the
first move. She placed her arms about his neck to steady herself. He
pulled her closer by her waist and looked into her eyes. God he loved
her so. He raised his free hand to stroke her cheek. “You are so
beautiful. I still can’t believe you’re mine.”

looked down in modesty, a blush creeping upon her cheek at the
intensity of his love. Not one to share her feelings, she struggled a
bit before whispering, “I am yours.” Tom then lifted her chin with his
free hand and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss between them intensified
by the moment, but knowing that it can go no further until they are
married, Tom’s hand merely roamed her back to pull her against him. Her
fingers in turn caressed his neck and played with the hairs on the back
of his head.

The Journey to Happiness (chapter 3)

Natural Love



Inspired by these pic sets.

“Hang on,” Thomas said a tad too loudly. “Have you met
someone? Is it a girl?”

Again, Tom didn’t answer.

“It is, isn’t it?” Thomas asked.

“Well, sort of.”

Thomas said nothing, but gave Tom a look as if to ask for an
expansion on the statement.

“I haven’t exactly met her. I’ve just seen her around, you
know, in the library and around campus,” Tom explained.

“Who is she? Do you know her name?” Thomas pressed.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never spoken to her, but I think I’ve
heard people call her Sybil.”

“You don’t mean Sybil Crawley, do you?” Thomas asked.

“I don’t know her surname.”

“Tom, Sybil’s not exactly a common name,” Thomas said, typing
something on his phone. He turned it around and showed the screen to Tom. “Is
this her?”

Tom looked at Sybil’s Facebook profile picture. “Yeah, looks
like her.”

Read the whole thing on here.


Love Letters, a Sybil/Tom Regency Tale
by MusicWritesMyLife (aka @lifeauthoredbymusic)

May 25, 1814


You cannot
possibly know how beautiful you looked last evening at Almack’s. I wish
we could have spent more time together, but you looked to be very
occupied and I was there on official business; it would not have been
gentlemanly to involve you. Besides, I am not sure I could have
controlled my actions had we been in such close proximity. The things
that I should like to do to you in that gown—though there far more
things I should like to do to you out of that gown…

FIC RECOMMENDATION! Who doesn’t love a good Regency-era romance? Not me! And when you take that era and apply it to an OTP? EVEN MORE TO LOVE! Tom is a spy for Britain during the Napoleonic Wars, and meets Sybil during her debut season in London and the two begin a secret courtship though the exchange of love letters that get more and more heated with each passing letter–sa-woooooon!

Do yourselves a wonderful favor and READ THIS (and then let the author know what you thought and leave her a review!) ;o)

**images not mine

Pillow Talk chapter 2


As soon as the couple returned to Sybil’s house, they kicked off their
shoes (Sybil’s were then balanced on the radiator to help them dry out) and
agreed that Sybil would have a shower and then meet Tom in the garden

Twenty minutes later, Sybil walked into her garden, now dressed in a
pair of red shorts and a plain grey tank top, to find that Tom had unearthed
the hammock from the garden shed and tied it to two large trees.

Read here.


READ THIS–if you need a fluffy Sybil/Tom fix, you cannot go wrong with @zip-goes-a-million, and you especially can’t go wrong with this story!

Matthew and Tom watched as the motley crew gathered near the front of
the house. Sir Richard was making a show of the two pistols he had
strapped to his belt. Mary was wearing perhaps the plainest dress
Matthew had ever seen her wear, and Thomas…well, he was smoking what
seemed to be his third cigarette. The only one who looked capable and
prepared for anything was Anna.

“Believe me, I wish it were you joining me instead,” he sighed, glancing over at the Irishman.

Tom couldn’t help but chuckle and nod his head. “You’ll be in my prayers.”

laughed as well, and then sighed while having one last look at the
collection of weapons that they would be taking with them. After the
rather “eventful” morning in the breakfast room, Matthew went in search
of Tom, who he was glad to see still remained on the house. The Irishman
had spent the night in the chauffeur’s cottage, his so-called “prison
cell” for allowing Lady Sybil to join him the other day (at least that
was how Carson had referred it). Matthew told Tom everything that had
happened that morning, and how he was more or less being “forced” to
take Sir Richard with him on his mission to the village. “I’m surprised
they didn’t insist you take me,” Tom remarked after Matthew finished
retelling the story. “I would think they’d be more than happy for some
Walker to burst out from behind a building and eat me alive.”

the rather ghoulish image, Matthew did find himself laughing with Tom’s
joke. “I think, despite my cousin’s temper, he would regret losing you
more than he would care to admit, simply because you’re probably the
most competent ‘soldier’ we have in this whole bloody place.”

it was Tom’s turn to laugh. “Never heard anyone call me that before,” he
remarked, referring to Matthew’s use of the word “soldier”.

“I told you…we’re all soldiers now, whether we accept it or not.”

though Robert hadn’t “officially” given his consent for everyone to be
trained in how to use a weapon, Matthew wanted to take advantage of this
moment of “consideration”, and have everyone begin training that
day. “It might be a good thing, then, that you’re staying here,” he
murmured later to Tom. “I trust you and William to see that everyone
begins their training.”

Tom shook his head. “It’s going to be
difficult, what with that old codger keeping watch,” he muttered.
Matthew knew Tom was referring to Carson. Indeed, he had a feeling that
the butler would be a great deal more difficult to convince than Robert.
Still, despite what Robert, Mary, and Carson wanted to believe…this
wasn’t the old world anymore; the threat of “being sacked” for so-called
insurrection meant very little anymore. They were all equals now,
trapped in the same nightmare.

“Leave him to Mrs. Hughes,” Matthew assured. “If anyone can get Carson to come around, it’s her. And I know she agrees with me.”

was very true, as the housekeeper gave Matthew the key to the attack,
after he had informed her he wanted to search for anything that could be
used as a weapon. Their search had been most fruitful, as not only did
they find random household objects with various sharp points, but also a
great deal of “old weaponry”, packed away in trunks and boxes for who
knows why, really. Matthew discovered an old cavalry sword, which he
wasted no time in strapping to his belt alongside Reggie’s pistol.

Tom said to Matthew, after they had put the last of the weapons they
would be taking into the car’s boot. “Don’t die on me,” he muttered
under his breath. “You’re the only sane one here, not to mention the
only reason I’m staying.”

Matthew chuckled…but gave his friend a
look that told him he knew better. “I highly doubt that…” he whispered.
“Or…I doubt I’m the only reason.”

Tom didn’t say
anything, although Matthew couldn’t help but grin at the way the
Irishman’s face turned bright red. Would he have said such a thing to
man society deemed as “below” his cousin’s station, if none of this had
occurred? He wasn’t sure. While yes, he knew very well Tom had come from
a working class background, he didn’t see Tom as a “servant”, and
doubted he ever would. We’re all equals now, he reminded himself.

“Are we going to be doing this today, Capt. Crawley?” Sir Richard asked in that snide way of his that made Matthew want to do nothing more than punch the man.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Tom warned under his breath. “Like letting that git get the better of you.”

muttered his thanks, and then climbed inside the car. Thomas sat in the
passenger seat, while Sir Richard, Mary, and Anna were crammed in the
back. Robert and Edith stood at the door, both of them wearing different
expressions as Matthew lifted his hand in parting. Upstairs, looking
out at a window was his cousin Cora, clinging to Violet and O’Brien,
looking just as worried as Robert about Mary’s going. Sybil still had
yet to make an appearance. Also standing by Robert and Edith were both
Carson and Mrs. Hughes, and just like his cousins, each of them held
very different expressions.

Matthew turned once again and caught
Tom’s eye, who lifted his hand, before murmuring something that Matthew
hoped was an Irish blessing. He had a feeling he was going to need it.
Without another thought or word, he turned the key and then turned the
car down the lane.

–chapter 17, Downton Abbey & Zombies

**images not mine

“I’m going to be the next earl of Grantham.” Matthew took a deep breath and sank into the chair he was sitting in.

“Crikey,” Tom said quietly.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, letting the weight of the revelation sink in.

“When did you find out?” Tom asked.

morning.” Matthew pulled the letter from the inside pocket of his
jacket and handed it to Tom, who spent a few minutes reading it over.

“Properties? You’re getting this man’s land?”

“It would seem so.”

“And his daughters, they get nothing?”

sure he’ll set aside a dowry for them before he dies, but there are
legal complications when it comes to women inheriting titles or

Tom rubbed his forehead. “God, the ridiculous laws in this country.”

“You’ve lived here half your life,” Matthew said with a smirk.

“I’m born Irish, and I’ll die Irish.”

“You’re lucky the old man wasn’t picky and willing to send you back there when he offered to pay for your studies.”

have you know Trinity College, Dublin is one of the oldest and finest
universities in his majesty’s kingdom. Why else would Uncle Reg have
approved me going there?”

“Are we back to calling the king ‘his majesty’?”

“Just making my point,” Tom said playfully. “So what of this? Am I to call you ‘your lordship’ from here forward?”

Matthew rolled his eyes. “Oh, God, I hadn’t thought of the actual title.”

“Maybe you don’t have to accept.”

“Perhaps. I don’t know.”

Tom handed him back the letter. “Do you want company, for the trip to London to meet the earl?”

“Maybe. Mother will be coming as well. I’m sure she’d like you along.”

Matthew stood to leave. “Will you be coming for dinner?”

Mam says there’s a broken bookcase in the kitchen that needs mending,”
Tom said, then he added in a high-pitched woman’s voice. “A
housekeeper’s work is never done!”

“You ought to give her a break. She runs the house quite efficiently.”

“I give her lots of breaks. She’s the one who doesn’t like to give them to me.”

“Can’t you send Finch to fix it?”

could, but the old girl’s afraid her son doesn’t know how to work with
his hands. Half the things she asks me to fix, I genuinely believe she
broke herself just to test me.”

Matthew laughed, then turned to leave. “I’ll let you know about London when it’s all planned.”

had reached the door back into the reception, when Tom called out to
him, “You know maybe there is a silver lining to all this.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

aside from inheriting yet another fortune, you did mention there were
three daughters. Maybe one of them will fall in love with you.”

“Leaving the remaining pair for you?”

“Me? HA! As if a true socialist would ever fall in love with an earl’s daughter.”

Matthew laughed and made his way back to his office, yelling back for his friend to hear, “Famous last words.”

–chapter 4, If Things Were Different by @magfreak

**images not mine