
Just like honey

A new scene from my forbidden office romance AU – Sybil and Tom are
on opposite sides of a deal team in the City of London, and if anyone
knew they were meeting outside work they would be fired and lose their
reputations for good.  But somehow, they can’t stay away from each
other… rated M.


“Sybil – what are you doing later on? Can I…”

She was twisting
her hair back into place behind her head. “No, don’t think so – I’m way
behind on the fund setups, Sir Anthony is on my case about it. I’m going
to be at the office till late.”

Already she was moving away from
him, ready to return to that life. The life of the City – the life of
work, money, deadlines. The life on the surface, the life he no longer
seemed to care much about, compared to what he had found with her.

“Sure…” Leave it Tom, leave it. Let her go.

turned away from her, adjusting his tie, and felt her come up behind
him, press herself against his back, slide her arms around his waist.

towards her, he felt her breasts against his chest, her hips rolling
against his. Her arms wove around his neck as she kissed him, a kiss
that could have lingered, dragging them both back into his bed again, if
they had let it.

He was the one to pull away this time. “I’ve got to go.”

One more kiss, and they went their separate ways outside his front door.

turned back to look at her – her smile as she freshened up her
lipstick, the curve of her hips, the click of her high heels. He felt
his heart lift into his throat as he watched her walk away from him.


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mary x matthew and sybil x tom, Sense and Sensibility AU


The Crawleys live in comfort on their country estate, but when Robert Crawley dies, his entire fortune and estate is left to the nearest male relation, Matthew Crawley, who promises to support Cora and her three unmarried daughters. Although he allows them to remain at Downton, Cora is anxious to marry her daughters off, perhaps one of them to Matthew. The eldest, Mary, is initially resistant to the notion, but before long she quickly befriends Matthew. The others begin to speculate if Matthew will propose, and more importantly, if Mary will accept.

While taking a walk on a wet evening, the youngest Crawley sister, Sybil, slips and turns her ankle; it is the stablehand Tom who rescues her. They fall in love, but knowing that it is not an appropriate match for either of them, Tom decides it best that he part ways with Sybil so that she can be married into financial stability. Understanding this to mean that Tom did not love her, Sybil sinks into a depression and falls seriously ill. When she reveals to Mary that she loved Tom, Mary and Matthew implore Tom to return to Sybil, with Matthew assuring him that he will financially support both of them despite Tom’s humble background. Thus Tom proposes to Sybil, and she accepts and recovers from her illness. Not long after, Matthew proposes to Mary, and she accepts without hesitation.


Sybil x Tom Victorian AU



Sybil Crawley has just made her debut into the upper echelons of London society, and her days are spent paying calls, changing dresses, and generally adhering to the expectations of her station. Tom Branson is the complete opposite: he is an orphan from an Irish family who toils from dawn to dusk at the docks to support his younger siblings. When Sybil, a quiet rebel, decides to see a different side of London, she encounters Tom at his job. Compelled to make her mark in the world rather than simply do as polite society wishes her to do, Sybil stands alongside with Tom to fight for better lives for the impoverished working class, despite her family’s disapproval; after all, the class divisions are not supposed to cross. Still, that doesn’t prevent Sybil from wanting to support Tom and his family, even while she’s being held hostage in a bustle and corset. In return for her unfailing kindness, Tom gives Sybil something of priceless value: his love. 

Here’s a play on gender stereotypes: Tom is a newly elected labor minister, and Sybil is on his staff as one of his security guards ;oP


I kind of played with it a bit because who doesn’t love a ‘First Daughter’ style secret bodyguard AU?

Following a landslide Labor victory after over a decade of Tory government, up-and-coming MP Tom Branson is selected by the new Prime Minister to join the cabinet as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. 

It’s a tougher job than he ever could have imagined, though not without it’s perks. His personal secretary, Sybil, is a pretty girl with a sharp mind and a wicked sense of humour. She’s the one responsible for making sure he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be and when, for managing his diary and, of course, ensuring that there’s a constant supply of tea and biscuits coming his way. He thinks about asking her out for a drink, regardless of how inappropriate that might be, though he never actually gets the chance…

Tensions are beginning to mount again between the republicans and the unionists, and the particular affiliations of some of Tom’s more radical family members put not only his job at risk, but potentially his life also.

So maybe it’s a good thing indeed that there might just be more to the girl who brings him tea.