DECEMBER book photo challenge

December 8–”wrapping paper”

The Last Chance Christmas Ball by a WHOLE BUNCH OF WONDERFUL (women) AUTHORS!

Dedicating this post (and book) to Susan L.M. Goldberg, who may be on her “last chance” with the romance community (and more’s the pity)

OCTOBER book photo challenge

October 19–”howl at the moon good”

Bespelling Jane Austen
by Mary Balogh, Colleen Gleason, Susan Krinard, and Janet Mullany

Romance authors try their hand at taking some of Austen’s beloved tales and giving them a slight “paranormal” twist.  My personal favorite is Colleen Gleason’s “Northanger Castle” which takes my fav Austen story of Northanger Abbey, and gives us all the ghosts, vampires, and things that go bump in the night that Catherine loved to read about!