Right so if you can find it in your area there’s this really good brand of gelato called Talenti and they have a flavor called Cold Brew Coffee and it is *actual heaven* it’s like $5 a pint but it’s soooo worth it like holy cow it is addicting and my mouth is watering just from thinking about it.

Oh I’ve seen that brand in Target as well as a few grocery store chains around me (I think Whole Foods carries it as well)–SOUNDS YUMMY! I will keep that in mind–thanks for the recommendation!


Demon Santa: the Return part II

What I failed to mention in my last post about Demon Santa is that … it moves

You know this thing is possessed by a demon because it’s at least sixty years old AND IT STILL WORKS. Look at those glowing red eyes and tell me that isn’t a demon!

(that’s my shaky hand there attempting to touch it the least amount possible) (also the switch is located on its butt so I hope you appreciate what I put myself through)