11. Sybil x Tom :)


Lose Yourself

The white cotton sheets were tangled around the young couple in the bed. Stripped bare, they had revealed themselves to each other for the first time a half hour ago. Now wrapped together, the sheet hanging low, they were coming down from their climaxes. The simple gold rings on their left ring fingers revealed they were married. Not only married. Newlyweds. The young bride, her dark, curly hair splayed against the pillow, sighed and smiled.

“Everything okay, Sybil,?” her new husband asked.

Beaming as a blush swept over her cheeks, she answered. “Everything is settled and everything is perfect.” Looking him in the eye, blue-grey meeting ocean blue, she added, “I’m so very happy, Tom.”

“Really?” he asked, his surprise, hope, and love shining in his eyes. And as she answered with a nod of her head, Sybil felt as though she was losing herself in Tom.

It was absolutely terrifying to lose yourself in another person, but Sybil could only think Oh what a wonderful way to get lost.

reblogging this because…do I really need a reason? @gothamgirl28 reblogged her lovely creation and we can all use a bit of Sybil/Tom smut in our lives ;oP


Sybil x Tom Romance Week 2017
Day 1: Anniversary

Our Love Unfurling

It was a
peaceful Saturday afternoon for the Bransons. They had had a lazy morning and
they were now taking an afternoon stroll through the woods near their house.
Today was their second wedding anniversary and they were taking great pleasure
in the fact that they didn’t have to do anything in particular. Neither of them
had to go to work, neither of them had any urgent jobs to do within the house,
so they could take each minute as it came and truly enjoy the day in each
other’s company.

“Do you remember when I asked you to marry me?” Tom asked, squeezing
Sybil’s hand as they walked slowly along the path.

“Of course I do,” Sybil said with a small laugh. “You were so nervous it
took you three tries to get the words out!”

“I was absolutely terrified that you would say no,” he said.

Read it here.


Holy Cannoli, this is S-E-X-Y!  Seriously, stop what you are doing and give this a read *fanning myself* great way to celebrate the Bransons anniversary!



This is for both broadwaybaggins (because it IS very cold outside) and cassiemortmain (because she requested some OTP smut) ;oP And really, what better way to warm up? ;o)

This drabble follows this drabble…


She was glad for staying in bed, mainly because she wasn’t ready to face all the stress that would greet her upon leaving their flat, but also because…in the words of her husband, “it was FECKING FREEZING outside”.

“I should check the heat,” she heard Tom mumble against her neck.  They were both starting to shiver a little bit, despite the blankets that covered them.  “Something isn’t right if it’s this cold…”

However he made no move to leave the bed.  Sybil lifted her head a little, which had been comfortably resting against his shoulder.  “Well?”

“Don’t wanna leave,” he admitted, looking back at her with a sheepish grin.  “Not to mention my pants are somewhere over there…” he made a gesture with his head and Sybil couldn’t help but giggle.  They were both naked and it would indeed be a great shock to one’s system, if and when the time came to venture out of bed.

“I don’t want you to leave either,” Sybil confessed.  “I’ll freeze otherwise!”

Tom gasped in mocked horror, which natural earned another giggle from her.  Just another reason why she loved him so much…his effortless ability to make her smile and lighten whatever burdens she felt were weighing her down. 

“Well, we can’t have that,” he growled, before rolling her over onto her back, with him now covering her body.  Sybil laughed and then gasped and moaned between giggles as he started to “rub” her body for warmth, by using his own.

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Someone recently reblogged this and I thought, “yep! This deserves a reblog of my own!” Celebrate “Groundhog Day” by burrowing under blankets and reading smut ;oP


Just like honey

A new scene from my forbidden office romance AU – Sybil and Tom are on opposite sides of a deal team in the City of London, and if anyone knew they were meeting outside work they would be fired and lose their reputations for good.  But somehow, they can’t stay away from each other… rated M.


The headrush of her presence was stronger than ever, and he felt the blood racing in his ears as he tightened his arms around her. She pressed herself hard against him, pushing her tongue into his mouth, responding eagerly to his touch. Her fingers tracing patterns on the back of his neck sent shivers up and down his spine. The scent of her, the feel of her, so familiar and yet so mysterious, filled his senses to overflowing.

When their kiss broke at last, he couldn’t let go of her. Leaning her back against the doorframe, thoughts were spinning through his mind… thoughts of taking care of her, sharing a home with her, marrying her. The strongest emotion he felt for her in that moment wasn’t lust, desire, passion. It was love.

Later, when he reflected on it, he realised that there, in that moment, was his point of no return. He knew he couldn’t stop himself, didn’t even want to. The risk of telling the truth was no worse than the agony of keeping his feelings to himself for a minute longer.

He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to the top of her head, knowing that he was standing on a precipice. About to fall over the edge, into unknown territory.


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I’m dedicating this update to the lovely @mimijag, who has a challenging week coming up.  Thinking of you, my dear!

I do have a “smut piece” that I’ve written especially for today, but it will be posted much later, as I have to go to work–but for anyone who was looking for some Sybil x Tom “sexy shenanigans” of a more *ahem* “explicit” nature, it’s on the way, just hang in there :oP

Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)

Thank you! I have answered this once, but this gives me an excuse to answer with 5 different titles ;oP

And inspired by @mimijag‘s post, I’m going to give you 5 smut fics (because WHY NOT???)

1) Snowed In at Sundance

I owe a lot to @scarletcourt and @piperholmes for this story. It was a little modern AU, written in the middle of winter, which was basically an excuse for hot tub sex ;oP A year later I came back and wrote a second chapter (less hot tub, but bathroom/shower sex!)

2) Half-Past Two

First-time-post-baby sexytimes, which also involve being up against a bookshelf ;o) I have no shame ;oP

3) When Did It Happen?

This was MY FIRST smut fic! And you always remember your first… ;o)

4) Insatiable

Um, how does one explain? Tom and Sybil are in the library, Robert walks in, Sybil ducks under the desk and…stuff happens ;oP

5) Master of the House, Mistress of the Manor

This is part anthology, part linear story, which is really just an excuse to write roleplaying smut, with with a *bit* of a plot connecting everything (a bit)


“Stripper!Tom” universe (it’s all @gothamgirl28‘s fault) ;oP

  1. Drive My Car
  2. Hunka, Hunka, Burnin’ Love
  3. Fair Play

Ok, again, this was really tough to do :oP BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!


Keeping secrets

I started to write this on 14 July, before I heard about the terrible events in Nice. So for that reason, I am dedicating it to the lovely @mimijag . Hope it will make you smile, my dear!

I’m revisiting an earlier modern AU with this ficlet which is set in Paris.  It forms part of my M-rated ”Tonight or Tomorrow“ collection.


Meet me outside… please!

Sybil smiled as she read Tom’s text message. They’d been going crazy since their arrival in Paris with her parents that morning… not a minute alone, unable to touch, smile or even look at each other for fear of giving away their secret.

Which only seemed to heat things up between them even more than usual.

“I’m going to go out for a walk. I feel like some fresh air.”

Her mother looked at her – “Don’t go far, darling, please – we’ve got a formal dinner tonight, so you’ll need to dress the part. There’s someone coming whom I’m sure you will remember.”

“Don’t worry, Mama – I’ll be back in plenty of time.”

She stepped out of the house, hearing the concierge close the front door behind her.

Paris was moving from day to dusk all around her. The spring sky over her head was darkening to blue velvet, touched with the last crimson and gold rays of the sun, as the citizens of the great city hurried home, followed by the birds that flew chattering to their night time roosts in the plane trees.

Sybil looked around. No sign of Tom.

Where are you?


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Just like honey

A new scene from my forbidden office romance AU – Sybil and Tom are
on opposite sides of a deal team in the City of London, and if anyone
knew they were meeting outside work they would be fired and lose their
reputations for good.  But somehow, they can’t stay away from each
other… rated M.


“Sybil – what are you doing later on? Can I…”

She was twisting
her hair back into place behind her head. “No, don’t think so – I’m way
behind on the fund setups, Sir Anthony is on my case about it. I’m going
to be at the office till late.”

Already she was moving away from
him, ready to return to that life. The life of the City – the life of
work, money, deadlines. The life on the surface, the life he no longer
seemed to care much about, compared to what he had found with her.

“Sure…” Leave it Tom, leave it. Let her go.

turned away from her, adjusting his tie, and felt her come up behind
him, press herself against his back, slide her arms around his waist.

towards her, he felt her breasts against his chest, her hips rolling
against his. Her arms wove around his neck as she kissed him, a kiss
that could have lingered, dragging them both back into his bed again, if
they had let it.

He was the one to pull away this time. “I’ve got to go.”

One more kiss, and they went their separate ways outside his front door.

turned back to look at her – her smile as she freshened up her
lipstick, the curve of her hips, the click of her high heels. He felt
his heart lift into his throat as he watched her walk away from him.


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