“What’s with the pigtails?” (universe of your choosing!)



“What’s with the pigtails?”

Sybil grinned and bounded up to Tom as he came into the bedroom of their flat, where Sybil had been standing in front of her mirror. 

“So you know how I said I wanted to do a ‘family’ costume for Michael’s first Halloween?”

Tom couldn’t help but smile at Sybil’s relentless enthusiasm for cosplay, even more so now that their nine-month old son could be added to the mix. “Yes, and you know how I said, I wanted my role to be as low effort as possible?”

“I do remember,” Sybil said, putting her arms around Tom’s neck. “And I’ve fulfilled that request quite well, if I say so myself.”

Tom stepped away from Sybil to get a look at her ensemble—whatever character she was supposed to be, he did not recognize it. “So who are we?”

Sybil looked down at herself. She’d pulled her now chin-length hair into high pigtails and was wearing a large pink nightshirt. “I suppose this needs some context.”

She walked over to the corner of the room, where Michael was happily cooing on his mat wearing what looked like to Tom a green onesie he’d never seen before. Sybil picked the baby up and brought him over to Tom, who could now see that the onesie was padded in the middle to make the baby look more round than he was.

And right in the middle there was big single eyeball and a wide grin, matching the one on little Michael on seeing his father.

“Is that the guy for Monsters Inc.?” Tom asked laughing and taking Michael from Sybil into his arms. 

“Yes!” Sybil said excitedly, “which makes me … ?”



“Oh, God, that means—”

“Yup!” Sybil ran over to the bed and held up an adult-sized onesie, blue and furry, with horns on the hood. “Sully! And, as you can see, all you have to do is put this on. No growing your hair out or wearing armor or anything heavy.”

Tom laughed again and lifted up Michael to look him in the eye. “What are we going to do with your mummy!”

Michael waved his arms happily and, as if on cue, yelled out, “BOO!”

Making the Bed ;oP


This has been sitting in my inbox for over a month… I am SO sorry that I haven’t done anything about it! But I am now rectifying this! Here goes.

“Hurry up Tom!” Sybil shouted down the stairs.

Sybil had remained upstairs to strip their bed of dirty sheets, whilst Tom had gone down to the laundry to fetch clean ones.

Sybil had now finished stripping the bed, but Tom hadn’t yet returned with fresh ones.

“Coming!” he called back up to his wife.

“Hey love,” Tom said when he finally returned to the bedroom.

“Hey, where were you?” Sybil said, turning to face him. Her words faded slightly as she looked at him, realising that he was no longer wearing a top.

“Sorry,” Tom said, placing the fresh sheets on the side. “I got myself a drink before I got the sheets, but I spilled it on my top, so I have to deal with that first.”

“I approve of your solution,” Sybil said, suddenly short of breath.

“You do?” Tom said, quirking an eyebrow and smirking slightly. In three large paces, he was by Sybil. He lifted her into his arms and fell onto the unmade bed with her.

Sybil squealed as she fell, but then laughed when she found herself in such close proximity to Tom.

Her laughs were stifled by Tom’s lips pressing against hers. Suddenly Sybil’s mind wandered to something else entirely, as Tom’s hands explored the curves of her body – curves he knew well, but that he would never get tired of exploring.

Maybe making the bed could wait until later, after all other activities were completed…

Downton Valentine fandom ask: 7, 13, 18, 19, 28 :)

Since you wrote “Downton Valentine fandom ask”, I’ll answer all of these, referring to DA :o)

7) A non-canon ship that should be canon?

EVELYN & LAVINIA!  Ok, they never met on camera ;oP but of the characters that *DID* meet on camera, I would say…

You know, I *never* understood why Myrtle ended up with Tony, especially after Tony more or less dumped her for Mary?  Let Myrtle and Charles Blake run off together, or better yet, let Mary and Myrtle run off together

13) Name a ship that deserved more content.

Besides Sybil/Tom *cough*WEDDING*cough* I would say Thomas & Edward from S2, Reed & Alfred from S3, Baxter & Molesley, etc. There were lots of “smaller ships” introduced that seemed to have great potential, but then nothing much happened with them

OH! Gwen and her husband, John Harding. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THOSE TWO!

Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?

BESIDES THE FUCKERY THAT HAPPENED TO MY OTP? Absolutely :oP Fellowes did some very shitty writing for other characters, making it hard to like some of those characters let alone root for the ships. I hated what he did with Bates, making him all ~^~^sinister^~^~ and constantly seeming to go back and forth on “did he or didn’t he kill Green?” I hated how he had Robert cheating on Cora while she was possibly dying and never bringing it up again, I hated how he wrote Carson to be such a jerk to Mrs. Hughes after they got married, I hated how he had Mary guilt Matthew into using Lavinia’s money to save Downton when he clearly was uncomfortable with the whole thing, I hated how Matthew INSISTED he carry on with marrying Lavinia when he clearly didn’t want to and Lavinia was ready to cut ties, and of course, I hated how he made Sybil appear “weak” and turned Tom into “Bom”. Oh, and the shit he pulled on Sir Anthony and Edith, which was completely out of left field, considering that Sir Anthony at the end of 3×02 had told Edith “you have given me back my life”–and then he leaves her at the altar? WTF???

Yeah, lots of shitty writing. AND ALL FROM ONE WRITER!

Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?

It’s no secret that I’m anti-brary, so I pretty much blacklisted and blocked any blog that I ever came across that was pro it

Is there a character you have several ships for?

Yes there is! :oD And that would actually be EDITH! I could ship Edith with Sir Anthony, Bertie, Gregson, Evelyn Napier (crackship) Thomas (SUPER crackship) and then there was the chemistry between herself and Laura, her editor!

Dear longfic writers





  • If you sometimes feel like it was pure, ridiculous hubris that you ever started a story that would take so much work and persistence to finish, I promise you, you’re not alone.
  • If you feel like you’ve already been writing forever and the “good bits” are still ages away, you’re not alone.
  • If you’ve been stuck for days or weeks or longer because you know what happens later but you don’t know what happens next, you’re not alone.
  • If you’re desperate to squeal about your beloved OTP but you feel like you can’t, because spoilers, and it’s driving you nuts, you’re not alone.
  • If you feel like you’ll never finish and you’re bound to fuck it up somehow, you’re not alone.
  • If you wonder if you’ve sabotaged yourself because who’s going to click through to a 28 chapter WIP, you’re not alone.
  • If you feel like you’ve been pouring your life into a single story for ages and will be for ages still and you don’t know why anymore because hardly anyone seems to care, you’re not alone.
  • If you can hardly even plan the further-away parts of the story or even think about them because thinking about them reminds you how absurdly far you still have to go and you get massive anxiety, please believe me.  You are not alone.


Dear longfic writers

  • I fucking live for your work. Like I love me a little one-shot or a medium-length fic but srsly give me that 100k+ (200k? 300k? yes pls) goodness.
  • I am constantly in awe of your ability to stick with your story, to keep your plot moving and your characters’ relationships developing like just damn.
  • I don’t judge if your updates are erratic. If you’re worried about too much time passing between updates, just know that I and so many others squeal with joy when we get that subscriber notification in our inboxes.
  • There is literally nothing more glorious than watching characters develop through a long-ass fic. Relationships, friendships, character growth? Sometimes after I’ve finished a longfic or I’ve gotten to the last update I’ll go back and reread the first couple chapters just to see how far my babies have come.
  • If you stop updating your fic for whatever reason, that’s okay. We as readers are just lucky to have been graced with your story as long as you chose to write it. You’ve been gifting us with time and effort for this long and we appreciate it.
  • As someone who has had multiple longfic ideas and either (1) got through two chapters and gave up or (2) was too overwhelmed by how much work it would take to actually write, you are my literal superheroes.
  • You are brave and persistent and creative and a gift to fandom, and if you ever need a pep talk I am here to love on you.

I feel everything @rederiswrites said and adore everything @wrecked-anon added

No, but seriously, seeing this post is actually making me tear up (in a good way!) Because I worry about my writing; I wish I could write faster, and I wish I could write all the time, and I *know* I have so many unfinished projects and I feel terrible about that, and feel terrible if I write/update one thing rather than another old thing, or feel tremendous guilt if I write something “new” rather than something else…

Basically, seeing this post and knowing there are people out there who not only relate, but who are understanding and supportive…that means the world. So thank you; thank you to the readers who continue to be patient and continue to show support, and thank you to my fellow writers who go through the same worries and anxieties but who also encourage one another–you are all beautiful, wonderful, and precious *hugs*