Florida, Georgia, Texas…the seeds have been planted.

Do not lose hope and think this was all for nothing.

It wasn’t, because you, along with Andrew, Stacey, and Beto planted the seeds to get democracy back on track.

Turnout was huge, bigger than it’s ever been.  It was a progressive step forward, and believe it or not, it *did* put a dent in the red stronghold. Truly, you weakened it.

The work is not finished. Continue fighting, continue working, continue pushing forward and demanding change. It’s coming. And these last few months/weeks/days was a sign of that. Change is coming…and it will arrive, but only if we keep fighting.

Just called for a Dem-majority House. I can go to bed and actually sleep now!

For now, but remember–Trump and his cronies are going to do everything they can to pass whatever they can *before* January, so we need to be on red alert…or dare I say, BLUE ALERT these next few weeks


SophiaBush: Yessss!! @laurenaunderwood is my hero. Let’s goooo #Illinois!! ♥️✊🏽📢 #Repost @refinery29


@laurenaunderwood is a Black woman, a registered nurse, AND, a Democratic candidate for Congress, representing the IL-14 district.


#Midterms Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

Video: @frillychampagne

it just goes to show…

That we shouldn’t make assumptions.

At my workplace, we have volunteers who serve as receptionists, and all of these ladies are older, retired women ranging in age from 65 – 80.

The woman who is here on Tuesday afternoon told me that when she leaves at 3pm, she’s going to go and vote.

Now, I must be honest and say that since this is a red county, and according to the polls the Republican incumbent is pretty “safe” and likely will be reelected…*and* that she is a white woman in her 70′s, I confess I *assumed* she would likely be a Republican herself, or at the very least, voting Republican.

Not so.

While she didn’t identify herself as a Democrat, she did tell me that she is planning on voting for a majority if not ALL democrats down the ballot, and that she can’t stand our congressman, that she thinks he’s a smug little shit (she didn’t say “shit” but I could tell she meant it) ;o) and that she’s “sick and tired of all these men being in charge of things and running everything into the ground.”

It’s moments like these that I love to be proven wrong and humbled.

So in the midst of reminding your friends and coworkers to get out and vote, don’t forget talking to the older folks in your life, especially older women. Because they may just surprise you as our receptionist surprised me. And we should absolutely try to talk to them about *WHY* it’s important to vote Democrat this election, especially since seniors are far more likely to vote and stay in line.

I mean hey! At the very least appeal to the seniors around you about Medicare and Social Security! These are things their age bracket depends upon and they *KNOW* how important those programs are! So don’t think older adults don’t have something at stake in this election either. 
